Happy Monday!! How was your weekend?
Mondays are tough, but a bit better with this interview from the inimitable Angela Chrusciaki Blehm of The Painted House.
Are you tired of the mindless Instagram scroll? Scrolling past similar after similar picture? White walls/ white oak cabinets/ marble counters/ greenery/ pop of brass or black… yes, it’s beautiful, but then BAM!!! You stop mid scroll onto one of Angela’s pics.
So different, so fresh, perfectly curated. I LOVE her style and the fact that she has her own style!!
Angela is a wildly talented artist whose paintings I’ve long coveted, but now I’m equally obsessed with her newest pieces- mixed media painted wood (which are actually available here)!! If I ever move to a new house, I will buy one!
Angela is the mom of three beautiful kids and lives with such joie de vivre. And we won’t even talk about how amazing and insanely pretty she is after 3 kids… (BRB, gotta get to the gym now) jk
I also feel a kinship to her because she has such a love of traveling, and I’ve definitely “saved” many of her recent pics to Greece in my “someday” folder… and because of her many life experiences, which she shares below.
Thank you so much Angela!!!!

Finally, show us your space in which you’ve incorporated some pink!
While we did at one time have a pink living room, now most of my beloved pink is used for accents and in art I collect, and in art I make. One of my favorite pink paintings is one that my two oldest children made as toddlers when my husband was going through chemotherapy. My daughter’s dressing room is a saturated pink that glows when the sun filters in!

Thank you so much Angela for sharing your family’s experiences with us. I love how you’ve taken those experiences and used them to better your and others’ lives around you. And thank you for sharing your beautiful art with us today!