Kristina’s Korner – Krap with Kristina Returns

I know you all love her…here she is again- Kristina.

(Would you believe she has a PhD?)

And yes, she is this funny in real life.



So much is happening in the world of celebrity smut! I choose to focus on the forgotten details…
1. Ashley Olsen. You are worth several BILLION dollars, and yet you look angry and/or depressed, you wear very expensive ridiculous clothes

and for whatever reason, you went from looking like a lemur,

to now looking like Kurt Cobain?! Very disturbing.

2. I don’t know if you followed last year’s fantasy football season, but my boy Aaron Rodgers killed it. I LOVE him. Maybe I have his jersey. Maybe it made me super happy to see him in the off season, cheering on teammate Donald Driver in Dancing With the Stars.

Look at how happy he and Clay are off the field.

And for Donald, no matter how he wears his green and yellow,

he does it proud.

The man is a champion.

I need this ring.

KY out!!