Lingerers anonymous

I’m starting a new segment on my blog- Lingerers Anonymous. l am sure you can relate. You know, you’re at a super busy restaurant and waiting patiently for a table. While staring longingly at people eating delicious food, you notice something terrible out of the corner of your eye- Lingerers. They’re finished with their meal. Bill is paid. To- go box on the table ready to go, and yet there they are…sitting at the table, yapping, nowhere to go, not a care in the world. Absolutely no consideration for the hungry people waiting painfully for that table.

I hate these people. So inconsiderate. So in retaliation, I will call you out on my blog.

First case:
Where- Screen Door Portland.
When- Saturday December 3

The restaurant is busy.


But she doesn’t care. She is happy as a clam.


Let’s talk more!


Bah. Even the dog is sad.


Ladies, I hope you change your lingering ways.

CBO out!