We hit up the NE 33rd Place block party. It was awesome. What can be better than crashing the block party of a neighborhood you don’t live in?
First off, there was a beer bike? How sweet is this thing???? It has built in speakers to pump the jams.

And there were lots of cool people like:
And Dan with his busted up knee after robotic surgery…no wait, it’s all fixed up!
And my super cool bro-in-law, Jason.
He and Justin made the super delicious Gartner’s short ribs.
But the coolest person there was probably my crazy nice, Cuckoo, I mean Coco.This picture really says it all.
Thanks for having us!!!
And as this post is published commemorating America’s independence, I would also like to shout out to my fatherland on Bastille Day. May we all enjoy croissants and French kisses today.