Sunday Fundays are for Book Clubbin It Up!

I’ve always to be in a book club, where ladies gather round with cocktails and discuss a chosen book.

Well, this past weekend,  The Breakfast Club had its first meeting.

Important points:

1.  Yes, it is weird that all of my friends are strangely attractive.  No, it is not a prerequisite to be in this book club.

2.  The book was Stolen Lives by Malika Oufkir.  Don’t judge me when I say that I didn’t have time to read it before book club.  Yes, I am a loser like that, but I did google the plot?  I will be better next month!!

3.  Go here to Jenni’s blog to read a much better recap of the events.  The group shot pic is also hers.

4.  If you are in the Central Texas area and interested in joining, don’ t be shy! Just send me an email.

5.  Lastly, please go visit Jenni, Kirsten, & Meagan’s blogs.  Christian & Kristi don’t have blogs yet, but soon….

3 thoughts on “Sunday Fundays are for Book Clubbin It Up!

  1. Heheh I love it!!! And I love your graphic! So creative. 🙂 can’t wait for our next meeting!

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